October 15
2 PM - 4 PM
Creatives as Climate Warriors: Responses from Curators, Writers, Students, and Activists (PLUME)
SEC B 201
Featuring a curator, a playwright, a student, and an activist, the panel explores what a humanities training can do to promote environmental consciousness and the care of the planet. The panelists will discuss how urban design inspires an art exhibition, how the landscape of a place shapes the creative process of a play, how environmental activism helps to reverse climate change through writing, and what literature can say about how we live today. Organized by Literary and Cultural Studies Program (LCSP) and PLUME.
Samantha Domingo
Curator, Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste
Edward Florido
Lit Major, LCSP
Glenn Sevilla Mas
Assistant Professor, FA
Beatrice Tulagan